Sunday, March 17, 2024

Continuation of Hong Kong

 Day 2. Visit to a Buddhist nunnery surrounded by a beautiful rock and bonsai garden in the middle of concrete city surrounded by sky scraper apartments housing thousands of families EACH. Today’s agenda included a bird market, flower market, food market and a jade market. We had an hour of free time for independent shopping in the jade market and you guessed it…..I turned the wrong way coming out of the market and after walking a while found myself standing on a busy corner all alone. I turned on my phone and quickly got a message from our group leader. I gave her the cross streets and before I knew it our guide was running up the street toward me with a bus full of fellow road scholar companions following her. They found me. Everyone cheered. I was so relieved to see all of them. Safely back on the ship. 

Some yachts in the port

1 comment:

Mindelo, Cape Verde

 Cape Verde is a volcanic group of islands with Portuguese roots. We rode up to the summit of the inactive volcano on a cobble stone, single...