Saturday, February 3, 2024

Sea days

 We’re headed to Hawaii for 6 days on the Pacific Ocean. The weather has turned a little cooler and the water is more turbulent but I still haven’t gotten sea sick. Thank goodness. I have managed to catch a nasty cold and cough. I’ve asked my room stewards to get the feather pillows and duvet out of my room which should help. I tested for Covid today and the test was negative. 

So all our activities for the week are Hawaiian in theme. I’ve learned 2 hula dances and attended many lectures on the topic of Hawaii. 

There is a Project Linus group on board making blankets for kids in trauma situations so I’ve been knitting a bright yellow blanket. It is sort of like the prayer shawls I’ve made for adults. 

I gave in today (Saturday) and visited the ship doctor to get some antibiotics. I’m hoping they work before we arrive in Hawaii on Tuesday. I isolated myself for the evening missing Gatsby Soiree but should feel better for Sunday brunch. There are so many activities on board that we have to pick and choose. 

My room stewards are so good to me and make me towel animals to make me feel better  


  1. Hope you’re feel better for your arrivâmes tout Hawaiien.

  2. I hope you will soon feel better, I’m really enjoying your reports it sounds wonderful

  3. am so sorry you have caught a cold, but glad it is not covid!

  4. I am so sorry that you have caught a cold, but glad it is not covid!


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