Sunday, February 4, 2024

Sea Legs

 If ever I needed sea legs, it would be today. The swimming pool has become a wave pool and the ocean waves are very turbulent.  When I walked by the ship’s shops this morning, the mannequin was laying down on the job!  The wind is so strong I can’t open my balcony door  

So, our voyage has been altered and we are no longer going into the Red Sea.  Instead we are sailing all the way around Africa after we leave Sri Lanka to be on the safe side. I’m glad I didn’t buy myself a Grand World Tour sweatshirt or t shirt as they are no longer correct. 

I revisited the doctor today and got a Covid retest which was negative again  my sore throat is improving but the coughing is still hanging on  

We had a Sunday sit down buffet sampler lunch that was interesting and gave us a break from our usual routine  


  1. Contente que tu n’aies pas le Covid.Dommage que la mer soit aussi déchaînée.Par sécurité le capitaine a changé votre parcours et vous faites le tour de l’Afrique.Donc, un peu de repos 😴 pour notre malade.Bizz

  2. La Mer Rouge n’est pas à visiter à cause des attaques à l’aide de drones sur les bateaux.

  3. Haven't heard from you for a couple days. Hope you are enjoying Hawaii. Also hope you are feeling ok.


Mindelo, Cape Verde

 Cape Verde is a volcanic group of islands with Portuguese roots. We rode up to the summit of the inactive volcano on a cobble stone, single...