Wednesday, April 10, 2024


 Neither stifling heat, large mud puddles, nor torrential rains kept us from going on our excursions. We were drenched dogs slogging around the forest of mahogany, and mangroves. At certain points we had to turn back because the water was too deep to walk through. Even the various monkeys didn’t want to come out. We were told they are very aggressive and grab jewelry and cellphones so to be careful but that problem was solved by the rain. Eventually, the sun peeked out for a few minutes and we were able to see a few monkeys. 

It took 3 days for my shoes to dry out. 

Day 2 in Zanzibar was an excursion through the fish and produce markets. You can imagine the smell and the crowds. 

The meat market was enough to almost make a vegetarian out of me. 
Cassava a starch staple 
Cattle. Nothing is wasted. 

1 comment:

  1. Mon neveu et son épouse sont allés en voyage de noce en Novembre 2022.Que du beau temps et ils ont nagé avec les tortues.Ici, météo très instable mais enfin le soleil est là.Bonne continuation et au plaisir de te lire.Bizz de nous 2


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